Along for the Ride

airstream road trip with plum nelli

Life is funny, ain’t it? If you’d said five years ago we’d be here – on this coast, in this state, on this little homestead – we probably would’ve looked at you like you were plum crazy. But here we are… living a dream. A dream that I sent into the universe as a girl… and let go. Albeit – it looks different than I imagined, but we are on an island. And my childhood imaginings of running an “inn” is – well – sorta happening! (“Inn” the loosest sense of the word.)

How about meeting your life partner and hopping aboard an Airstream camper with him (talk about a dream come true?!). When people ask us how we arrived here in Washington, the answer is almost always the same. “We ran out of road.” And that’s mostly true – but there’s so much more to the story… some pieces never told.

So here we are. And we made it thanks to accepting the Universe’s Guidance (*it helps to listen*), noting the lessons along the way, and our sweet 28 foot Airstream Safari. And while we sometimes miss the simplicity of camper life, we feel so fortunate and are beyond excited to share with you this wild, beautiful and creative ride called… Plum Nelli.